This Cube was found by none other than John Allen, while in Nepal. The first from the area, that ..

This cube came from a Pan Cyan print about an 1/8 inch in diam from MJ. It was grown in &nb..

I have to admit I have fallen in love with this particular strain. It seems to work well on just ..

A nice strong rizomorphic culture with fast colonization times. A hearty fruiter with fast maturi..

PINK BUFFALO - THAI Picture perfect cubies. Stretchy veil that sometimes stays attached upon ..

Jedi Mind Fuck- They will not last long. This is one strain you DO NOT WANT TO MISS. Back by ..
Cultivation Level : - Easy Substrates : - Wood/Sawdust/Logs Temps..

Straight from the Chilean mountains, this addition to our stock ads some unique characteristics. ..

Awesome rizomorphic cubies. Wonderful performer with meaty fruits! Prints are average to dark. Th..

This strain is a great all around performer! Fast growth and high yields. You'll get some monster..

Cultivation Level : - Easy Substrates : - Straw/Wood T..

Thanks to the efforts of Dial8, we are happy to present this popular strain. The name  ..

New from John Allen. An excellent cube strain from Thailand, with all the characteristics of the ..

A great strain similar to the Argentina strain in that the structure of fruits are abo..