Cultivation Level : - Medium Substrates : - &nb..
The Colorado's colonize same as any other cubie, fruit the same and are much more domesticated th..
La Primavera is a fast colonizer, photosensitive, veil tears away clean from the cap and drop hea..
Discovered deep in an Egyptian Pyramid, dating over 3000 years old, when the god..
This monster specimen was identified and saved by one of the leaders in the field. We owe them as..
Cultivation Level : - Easy Substrates : - Straw/Wood T..
Medium to large fruit with very consistent flushes, few aborts, give an even pi..
Rumor has it, that the original prints of this strain came from the same Mexican shrooms sold in ..
Another Prolific Fruiter from the Great State. Dense fruits of medium size Great invitro or..
Very resistant to contaminations, Maui's are a perfect spore for the newer mycologist. ..
New from John Allen and it is in Stock! We waited quite a while to add this to our collection. Yo..
This strain is one of the best producing ones we have ever seen. Even the third flush produces ve..
The PF Redspore is an elusive strain that for the past couple years has been emerging ..
Very Rizomorphic mycelium seems to isolate itself and aggressive colonizer. One of the fastest st..
Cultivation Level : - Medium Substrates : - Straw/Wood/Saw..